Hospitality and Leisure


United Outcomes teams up with your internal Operations, Safety and Security as well as Risk and Compliance senior leaders to support them in creating safety and resilience.


United Outcomes go beyond a ‘tick-box’ exercise to truly enhance your employees skills in personal safety, keeping guests safe, managing crises and de-escalation to ensure confidence is maintained in your facility.

Hospitality and leisure organisations must excel in crisis preparedness, response, and organisational resilience due to their guest and visitor-centric nature. United Outcomes provides both strategic and operational support, distinguished by our extensive experience in critical, major and serious incidents, counter-terrorism, and disaster management. Our team’s hands-on expertise ensures that every engagement with us delivers valuable and actionable insights and improvements directly from the field.

Who We Help

United Outcomes’ Hospitality and Leisure practice offers services across most industry areas

How We Help

What sets our teams apart is their extensive background working in some of the highest-pressure, largest and most visible locations and events


United Outcomes teams up with your senior leaders to support them in creating safety and resilience throughout your organisation, keeping venues and visitors safe. 

With risk to venues, visitors and guests increasing at an exponential rate, United Outcomes provides you with a team that has seen, and dealt with every major and critical issue, your organisation is in safe pair of hands.


United Outcomes works with a range of Hospitality and Leisure organisations to support them in achieving compliance with regulation and legislation.

More importantly, we support your staff in going beyond a ‘tick-box’ exercise to truly enhance their skills in personal safety, keeping guests safe, managing crises and de-escalation to ensure confidence is maintained and your brand protected.

Martyn's Law

We support organisations in the hospitality and leisure sector with a range of services to achieve preparedness for the upcoming legislation, the Protect Duty, also known as Martyn’s Law.


Our Services

Disaster Prevention and Management

In the UK’s hospitality and leisure sector, disaster and incident prevention and management are critical to ensuring the safety and well-being of guests and staff, as well as maintaining operational continuity. Effective disaster management involves comprehensive risk assessments, robust emergency response plans, and regular training for staff to handle various scenarios, including natural disasters, fires, and health emergencies. Compliance with UK regulations and industry standards, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, is essential. United Outcomes delivers:


  • Strategic crisis response and coordination planning
  • Crisis command centre set-up
  • Stakeholder mapping and engagement
  • Crisis strategy and scenario planning
  • Post incident review & learning
  • Crisis communications & reputation management
Critical Incident Management

Critical incident management is a vital component of operational safety in the UK’s hospitality and leisure sector, requiring well-coordinated strategies to effectively respond to emergencies such as natural disasters, serious operational incidents, security threats, or health crises. United Outcomes brings specialised knowledge and experience in risk assessment, emergency planning, and crisis response, providing tailored solutions that enhance preparedness and resilience. Our comprehensive support includes:


  • Training staff of all levels to manage incidents and return to normality
  • Developing robust response protocols
  • Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Table-top exercises
Visitor and Guest Safety

Visitor and guest safety must be a top priority for the hospitality and leisure sector, as it directly impacts people, their families and the community as well as customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and overall business success. Implementing comprehensive safety protocols and ensuring rigorous planning can significantly enhance the security and comfort of guests. United Outcomes supports by:

  • Conducting thorough risk assessments,
  • Developing detailed emergency response plans
  • Staff training to handle various safety scenarios
  • Tabletop exercises for senior leadership teams
Conflict Management

Conflict management training is essential for staff in the UK’s hospitality and leisure sector, enabling them to identify, prevent, and handle conflicts professionally. Staff equipped with these skills can recognise early signs of tension, allowing them to intervene proactively and prevent escalation. Effective conflict management training provides employees with techniques to de-escalate disputes, maintain calm, and communicate assertively yet respectfully. United Outcomes provides a range of training including:

  • Managing emotionally distressed guests and visitors
  • De-escalation skills
  • Crises interventions
  • Persuasive techniques
  • Conflict trigger identification
  • Danger and violence assessment
Staff Safety and Physical Intervention

In the UK’s hospitality and leisure sector, ensuring staff safety through Physical Intervention training has become increasingly vital due to a rise in violence and attacks on employees. Physical Intervention training equips staff with the skills to de-escalate potentially volatile situations, handle aggressive behaviour safely, and protect themselves and others from harm. United Outcomes delivers:

  • Group Training
  • Individual Training
  • Train the Trainer
Breakaway Training

Breakaway training for staff in the UK’s hospitality and leisure sector is becoming increasingly crucial as the incidence of workplace violence and aggressive behaviour rises. This specialised training equips employees with techniques to safely disengage from physical confrontations, ensuring their own safety and that of others. 

As the sector often involves direct interaction with diverse and sometimes unpredictable clientele, having staff proficient in breakaway skills is essential. This training not only enhances personal safety but also empowers employees to manage challenging situations confidently and effectively, reducing the risk of injury. Moreover, fostering a safe work environment through breakaway training helps maintain high morale and staff retention, while also ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. 

Ultimately, investing in such training reflects a commitment to safeguarding both employees and guests, reinforcing the overall security and integrity of the hospitality and leisure industry.

Learn how United Outcomes can meet your critical needs

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