Modern Slavery in the UK: The Ongoing Challenge

Modern slavery is a pressing issue in the UK, with over 100,000 victims estimated to be trapped in exploitation, a staggering figure that highlights the scope of the problem. Victims are found in various sectors, including agriculture, hospitality, and construction, and are often controlled through violence, threats, and debt.

Lessons Learned from Real Insider Threat Events

Focused businesswoman searching laptop in office closeup. Employee checking data

The potential for significant financial loss, operational disruption and reputitional damage make insider threats particularly severe. This post explores some of the biggest internal threat events in the past decade.

Sexual Harassment on Cruise Ships: Navigating Troubled Waters

Hallway of a cruise ship with closed doors hiding HR issues

Hospitality and Leisure are the two sectors where sexual harassment is most prevalent, in fact, sexual assault is the highest reported cruise ship crime, and the numbers are worsening. This problem, pervasive yet often underreported, affects both passengers and crew members, casting a shadow over the glamorous facade of cruise vacations.