Getting Ready For Mediation

HR investigation interview

In any workplace, conflicts are bound to arise within its dynamic landscape of interactions. Yet, it’s not the conflict itself that defines an organisation’s culture but rather how it’s addressed and resolved. In the realm of employment mediation services, preparation is paramount. As we delve into the intricacies of workplace mediation, let’s explore the essential steps to prepare for an employee mediation session.

Firstly, fostering an environment of open communication is foundational. Encouraging dialogue and active listening can often mitigate conflicts before they escalate to the need for formal mediation. However, when conflicts persist, seeking the expertise of employment mediation services becomes imperative.

Before embarking on the mediation journey, thorough preparation is key. Familiarise yourself with the process and the role of a mediator. Understanding the mediator’s neutral stance and commitment to facilitating constructive dialogue sets the stage for productive mediation.

Next, clarify your objectives. What outcomes are you seeking from the mediation? Identifying your goals ensures alignment and enables you to articulate your perspective effectively during the session.

Gather relevant documentation and evidence to support your position. Whether it’s performance reviews, communication records, or policies and procedures, having tangible evidence can substantiate your claims and contribute to a fair resolution.

Equally important is mentally preparing for the mediation session. Approach the process with an open mind and a willingness to collaborate towards a mutually beneficial solution. Embrace empathy and seek to understand the perspectives of all parties involved.

On the day of the mediation, arrive early and come prepared. Dress professionally and bring any necessary materials. Establish a conducive environment by ensuring confidentiality and respect for all participants.

During the session, engage in active listening and refrain from interrupting or passing judgement. Maintain a calm and composed demeanour, even in moments of tension. Remember, the goal is not to assign blame but to find common ground and explore solutions collaboratively.


Preparing for employee mediation involves meticulous planning, clear communication, and a commitment to resolution. By embracing the process with an open mind and proactive approach, organisations can navigate conflicts effectively and foster a harmonious workplace culture. Trust in the expertise of employment mediation services and embark on the journey towards reconciliation with confidence.

Picture of Brian Carmichael
Brian Carmichael

Brian, with his extensive 30-year background in policing and subsequent expertise in HR and mediation, is United Outcomes’ Grievance Management Specialist. His journey from a seasoned police officer to an accredited ACAS Mediator and CIPD HR professional equips him with a unique blend of investigative acumen and human resources management skills. Brian specialises in de-escalating workplace conflicts, conducting thorough internal investigations, and steering mediation sessions towards mutually beneficial resolutions.

United Outcomes specialises in providing bespoke solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises, and large corporations. Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of our clients’ specific challenges. We offer personalised advice, crafting strategies that are as unique as each client we serve. By focusing on individual-specific guidance on a case-by-case basis, we ensure that every solution we deliver is not just effective, but also perfectly aligned with your objectives. Let us partner with you to transform challenges into opportunities, guiding your practice towards tangible progress.

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