Energy and Utilities

Conflict and Risk

Conflict management in the energy and utilities sector in the UK requires a multifaceted approach to ensure smooth delivery of services and maintain safety standards.


Personal safety and self-protection are critical for everyone, particularly for utility and energy workers in the UK. Verbal abuse, physical abuse and sexual harassment are some of the incidents that workers may have to deal with.

Violence towards workers Energy & Utilities is increasing at an exponential rate in the UK with one in three workers verbally abused at work and 26% faced physical abuse. Abuse towards workers in every sector is increasing, thus, creating an urgent need for a variety of in-depth training ranging from conflict resolution, lone worker safety and breakaway training to ensure their workers are ready for any situation. 

United Outcomes not only supports with creating sustainable strategies for safety of workers, but also provides all the training they may need

Who We Help

United Outcomes’ Energy and Utilities practice offers services across many areas

utility workers in conflict

How We Help

We support Energy and Utilities organisations by creating holistic training for workers, from customer call centres where employees endure verbal abuse, through to lone workers visiting public sites as well as private homes.

United Outcomes is uniquely positioned to provide this training due to our team’s background in safety incidents ranging from critical through to anti-social behaviour

Conflict & Risk

United Outcomes provides conflict management services for the UK energy and utilities sector, focusing on effective communication and active listening to foster a respectful work environment.

We offer training in conflict awareness, de-escalation, mediation, negotiation, and persuasive communication to equip employees with the skills needed to handle disputes constructively. 


United Outcomes offers comprehensive safety and self-protection services tailored for utility and energy workers in the UK, emphasizing the importance of proxemics—the study of personal space and body language.

Additionally, United Outcomes addresses the challenges faced by lone workers who encounter verbal, physical, and sexual harassment both in homes and public spaces.


Our Services

Conflict Management

Conflict management in the energy and utilities sector in the UK requires a multifaceted approach to ensure smooth delivery of services and maintain safety standards.

Effective conflict resolution starts with clear communication and active listening, fostering an environment where all workers feel heard and respected. Implementing regular training on conflict resolution techniques, such as mediation and negotiation, can equip employees with the skills needed to address disputes constructively.

Additionally, having a robust framework for reporting and managing grievances ensures that conflicts are resolved fairly and efficiently, ultimately contributing to a more cohesive and productive workforce. United Outcomes delivers:

  • Conflict awareness and triggers training
  • Conflict de-escalation techniques and processes
  • Mediation and negotiation techniques
  • Redirecting negative behaviour and verbal abuse
  • Persuasive communication
  • Supporting emotionally distressed customers

Customer Services specialised training to handle conflict remotely

Risk Assessment and Situational Awareness

Risk assessment and situational awareness are crucial for energy and utilities workers who visit people’s homes, particularly in relation to verbal and physical abuse.

Before entering a home, workers should evaluate the potential for aggressive behaviour, looking for warning signs such as previous incidents recorded in company databases. Situational awareness is vital, as workers must stay alert to changes in the resident’s behaviour and the environment.

Recognising early signs of verbal or physical hostility, such as raised voices, aggressive body language, or threats, allows workers to take preventative measures, such as de-escalation techniques or exiting the premises safely. By prioritising these strategies, workers can protect themselves from harm while maintaining professional and respectful interactions with residents. United Outcomes supports with:

  • Decision making on-premises
  • Pre-Incident predictors and situational awareness
  • Extraction from an unsafe situation
  • Working with local authorities
  • Working with and alerting Social Workers
Personal Safety and Protection

Personal safety and self-protection are critical for everyone, particularly for utility and energy workers in the UK. Proxemics, the study of personal space and body language, plays a significant role in enhancing safety.

Maintaining an appropriate distance, being mindful of body language, and positioning oneself strategically can prevent confrontations. In homes, selecting escape routes requires careful consideration of movement, time, and distance.

Clear, accessible paths should be established for quick evacuations. Instinctive protection, such as learning basic self-defence techniques, is essential for survival during common assaults. Moreover, understanding the legal rules for the correct use of force is vital, especially for at-risk teams.

These rules, delivered based on a thorough Training Needs Analysis, ensure that workers respond appropriately to threats while remaining compliant with the law.

Lone Workers

Verbal abuse, physical abuse and sexual harassment are some of the incidents that lone workers may have to deal with when on duty visiting individual’s homes. Lone workers are also facing an increase of abuse when working on public streets and in communities. United Outcomes provides training in:

  • Identifying the first signs and behaviours of violence, abuse, and intimidation
  • Identifying the phases of crisis or out-of-control behaviour early
  • Fundamental tactics for de-escalating
  • Preparation for exiting an escalating situation in a safe way
  • From verbal communication tactics to physical intervention
  • Self-protection tactics at a fundamental level (primary assaults)
  • Self-protection tactics at a higher-risk level (common assault types)
Breakaway Training

Breakaway training for staff in the UK’s Energy and Utilities sector is becoming increasingly crucial as the incidence of workplace violence and aggressive behaviour rises.

Our specialised training equips employees with techniques to safely disengage from physical confrontations, ensuring their own safety and that of others. As the sector often involves direct interaction with diverse and sometimes unpredictable clientele, often, in their homes, having workers proficient in breakaway skills is essential.

United Outcomes trains Energy and Utilities workers on key breakaway strategies that can be used in any situation, and on any premise.

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