Internal Risks & Disruptions

of employees are not actively engaged in their work1

0 %

report bad management is causing them stress2

0 %

of organisations are vulnerable to Insider Threats3

0 %

Senior Leaders of today are facing more complexity in business both internally and externally than ever before.

Workplace conflict, bullying and harassment are increasing, in the UK, close to 10 million people experienced conflict at work each year with 5 million reporting anxiety and depression as a result. 900,000 took time off work to deal with work-related stress.

Business Leaders are now only having to contend with external hostilities but look inwards and find strategies to harmonise their teams and departments.

Assessing Employee Engagement

Actively disengaged employees cost the global economy an estimated £7.4 trillion annually in lost productivity, which is roughly 10% of global GDP. Studies have found that a 5% increase in employee engagement is linked to a 3% increase in revenue growth the following year.

Studies have established that up to 77% of employees are disengaged in their work in any given organisation, creating huge pressure for those employees who are actively engaged as well as affecting the bottom line. Assessing and auditing your workforce is complex which is why United Outcomes steps in as a independent partner. The United Outcomes team have over 30 years of investigation, assessment and auditing experience.

We work alongside your HR and Senior Leadership teams, provide a deep-dive audit on your entire workforce productivity and provide your internal teams with root causes and a blueprint for resolution.

Hidden Costs

The hidden cost of rising workplace sickness in the UK has increased in 2024 to more than £100bn a year, largely caused by a loss of productivity amid increasing levels of presenteeism. Most increase in cost to businesses (£25bn) was because of lower productivity, with employees not fully functioning in the workplace.

Workplace Conflict

Workplace conflict is on the rise, with over one in three workers in the UK experiencing such issues, resulting in an annual cost of £28.5 billion. Conflict-induced productivity losses alone account for an estimated £550 million. Additionally, around 9% of employees take time off due to stress, anxiety, and depression linked to workplace conflicts, leading to a total loss of 15 million working days per year.

The volume, velocity and variety of conflicts are increasing significantly, posing a major challenge for many businesses and their HR departments. Many HR leaders and staff are overwhelmed and lack the resources or expertise to manage the growing volume and complexity of these issues effectively. Despite their willingness to address these conflicts, the sheer scale of the problem often leaves them struggling to deal with every reported incident. Above and beyond this, unreported conflict causes hidden stressed between individuals as well as entire teams.

The ultimate cost of conflict is employee attrition; however, in the months leading up to this, it can cause distraction and presenteeism, the act of attending work while not fully functioning due to stress.

United Outcomes supports Senior Leaders and HR teams in uncovering the root causes of conflict in the workplace by diagnosing cultural issues, hostile practices and toxic behaviour. We also provide a blueprint for resolution and can work side-by-side with you to deliver change and transformation across your organisation or individual teams.

Leadership Gaps

With 84% of employees stating they have experienced poor management and an average of 60% of managers rated poorly in leadership effectiveness, it’s clear why almost 60% of managers admit they’ve never had formal management or leadership training.

Often, high-performing individual contributors are promoted to management roles with little to no preparation. The statistics paint a stark picture.

United Outcomes holds vast experience in training managers to become better leaders, how to deal with stress that comes with being a leader and how to get the best out of their teams in a positive way. Our leadership training focuses on three core elements, Managing Down, Managing Across and Managing Up, this ensures your managers can excel in leading people, working in harmony with people and working with their own managers and leaders, whether that’s the ELT, the Board or Investors.


Cultural Shifts

Organisations are typically poor at self-diagnosing their culture, it’s when symptoms start to appear with attrition, conflict and poor performance that most organisations gain a sense of cultural issues; and even once this is established, finding the root cause is often difficult when undertaken internally due to blind spots and bias. 

United Outcomes supports you by performing a culture assessment audit, narrowing in on five main issues listed.

Our team sets out to assess which issues may be prevalent in your organisation, audit the complexity, run discovery on root causes and supply a plan of action.

Main Issues

Internal Investigations

United Outcomes supports organisations and HR teams with internal investigations by providing expert guidance and comprehensive services designed to ensure thorough, unbiased, and efficient processes.

Our team of seasoned professionals assists in navigating the complexities of workplace conflicts and misconduct, offering tailored investigation strategies that align with your organisational needs.

We conduct meticulous fact-finding, witness interviews, and evidence analysis while maintaining confidentiality and sensitivity. Additionally, we provide detailed reports and actionable recommendations to help resolve issues and prevent future occurrences.

By partnering with United Outcomes, organisations can manage internal investigations with confidence, ensuring fair outcomes and maintaining a healthy workplace environment.

Talent Management

Over 80% of C-Level executives express concern about skill gaps within their workforce.

Organisations face challenges in identifying these gaps, with few having standardised methods for benchmarking skills. Many leaders rely on OKRs and KPIs to measure productivity but struggle to monitor upskilling and identify gaps.

United Outcomes addresses this by collaborating with Department Heads, HR, and Learning and Development teams to create standardised skills measurements. We also develop a common language for discussing skills, ensuring consistency across the organisation.

According to a recent survey, only 10% of HR executives have a well-defined skills taxonomy or framework. Without a cohesive framework, tracking and monitoring skills across teams becomes nearly impossible, leading to inconsistent standards and results.

Talent Management Session group of professionals.
1. Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report indicates that a significant portion of the global workforce (59%) isn’t disengaged and 18% are actively disengaged.
2. In a 2020 SHRM survey, 84% of employees said poor management stressed them out significantly and can cause a lot of unnecessary work.

3. According to a Cybersecurity Insiders report, 74% of organisations are vulnerable to insider threats, with the average cost of over £12 million and many caused by employee negligence.

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